Thursday, June 18, 2015


A student dies from injuries sustained after he was chased out from Lae’s Malahang Technical High School and beaten.

How dare you chase him down like he was a criminal and beat him up!

He was a student just like you, he has parents who loved him and cared for his future!

Malahang Technical High School
How dare you take him away from them, their hopes for a successful son gone.

He was flesh and blood you chased him like he committed a crime! Really?? come out and tell us what did he do that was so wrong!

How can you sleep at night after you’ve done something so cruel!

I bet you see his face everytime you shut your eyes, they said you stoned him in the head, kicked and punched him!

Tell us! What did he do to you?

Don’t you realize that his family put work to get him to Grade Ten, he was so close to becoming somebody and help them later…

You took from them LIFE you will never replace! no matter how much money you give or time you spend in Jail!

To the students Family, my thoughts are with you all. I am sorry for your lose. No one deserves to go through this pain and tragedy.


It’s awkward when you go to the family home of someone killed for some reason.

Family and friends are gathered there crying and you wonder if they will welcome you to have a chat with them.

Doing a crime story isn’t difficult… Its dealing with the emotions of the family when you get there is the hard part.

Mother of Student Killed by Electrocution cried while talking
You are hoping that they can give you some of their time because the person was murdered and you need to do a story so the rest of the country can know about the tragic death…

You stand there… still feeling awkward, when someone recognizes you! Thank Goodness! Someone will always recognize you!

When they do come over you make small talk, your also very upset that the death has happened, even if they think your not…

Then they start telling you about the person who got killed, when it happened, where it happened, how it happened, who might have done it and why it happened.

You listen… and ask questions a small group forms, you listen… all the while your also getting pretty said, wondering why people are killing each other!

Then you ask them if they can talk, you ask them if a family member can talk on camera… SILENCE…. And then they say we can’t talk, but we will ask the family.

They walk off. You wait…. Your still waiting…. More crying coming from the distance.

Moments that seem like eternity past and they walk up to you…

Sorry the family don’t want to speak on camera because they don’t want it out on the media…


Tuesday, June 16, 2015


“Work hard to create a niche conducive to your living” ever hard of that one… it’s similar to the American dream right?

But in Papua New Guinea, you are still trying to buy that house. Your job doesn’t pay much. Rice and tinned fish at the shops are getting too expensive.

The children need to go to school and you need to plan for your retirement.

I am very sorry! These are the things you need to do in Papua New Guinea in a nutshell!

It’s very difficult, right?

To difficult to buy a home on the income you make.

The opportunity to start a business and make an extra buck is also very slim.

I am sorry but this is reality….
Papua New Guinea brace yourselves, because I feel the pinch. Don’t you?

What do the experts say, well they tell us…

its fine, but don’t relay on the oil and gas…

For those of you who have children, get them a quality education would mean a brighter future…?

I know this may seem negative to most, but let me explain the best I can… we are a country that spends…

Wow! The Lae-Nadzab four lane highway still under construction

Wow! the pacific Games is happening, venues have been built… the Sir John Guise Stadium aka BSP Stadium hosted a PNG Hunters match!

Buying a home continues to be expensive and renting one isn’t getting easier!

We borrow too much and we have to pay back, quite a lot!

So let me break it down… who is going to pay for the loan interests that our economy has gained? YOU AND ME!

Do y’all know what taxation is? Hahaha  I know right????

Look around you… schools and university infrastructures still need improving, roads need to be fixed, hospitals and health centers still need help.
The government is working to fix it.


I think I left enough crumbs for you to figure out what I am talking about!

Monday, June 15, 2015


Papua New Guinean families being evicted from their homes by National Housing Corporation officers who find the legal means to do so?

I don’t understand how you can sleep at night after you’ve kicked out a family onto the streets!

How can you go home in the afternoon, kiss your wife and hug your children, wow… you great dad! You wonderful husband! Your Pathetic!

I feel for your children. The sins of the father will be felt by the children… for generations to come.

Hahahaha! Your bloodline is cursed!

The families you evicted. The children’s happiness you’ve disturbed, when you robbed their home. They are helpless.

But nature has its way of dealing with the cruel.

That family you evicted also consists of a wife and children just like yours, how can you just treat them like they were some things to throw out!

Its where they call home, its where there heart is… its where they created love and nestled under a roof… Don’t you understand?

Surely, you must know that what you give, you will get back, its universal and its biblical.

You will be far worse then they are, by the time they have recovered and walked again… you would be poor and homeless, your children starving and dying.

So be it… the weak shall always have a protector and a savior!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Remember how you used to think too much about all the unnecessary things.

How you had this bunch of thoughts and things to do in your head that stops you from achieving what was important to you….

Well I am here to change all of that… I am here to help you prioritize what’s important to you.

You need to focus on what’s important to you, because you live on borrowed time on this planet.
We all die at some stage… we’ve been taught at school that Papua New Guineans have an average life span of 65 years old. According to the World Bank.

So my friend, time is of the essence… decide now, what is important to you and get it before the clock stops ticking.

Close your eyes, take deep breaths… steady and calm, wherever you are now in Life, rich or poor, no matter how old you are… decide where you want to be.

Listen to me…  everything is going to be okay, you will be okay, relax… what do you want to achieve in this sort period of time.

You want a house?
Do you want a car?
Do you want that Job?
Do you want a Family?
What do you want a relationship?

Remember deep breaths… relax…. Think…. Decide…

Now carefully isolate what you need to do to get there… what are the teeny, tiny steps you need to take to get there…

Ahhhh there you go! You suddenly know… beautiful!

Now you know what you have to do, you now need to focus on doing that one little thing properly day in and day out.

Make it a routine and MAKE SURE that you do what you have to do, perfectly, every single day and you will achieve.

That little thing has become very important…