Thursday, June 18, 2015


A student dies from injuries sustained after he was chased out from Lae’s Malahang Technical High School and beaten.

How dare you chase him down like he was a criminal and beat him up!

He was a student just like you, he has parents who loved him and cared for his future!

Malahang Technical High School
How dare you take him away from them, their hopes for a successful son gone.

He was flesh and blood you chased him like he committed a crime! Really?? come out and tell us what did he do that was so wrong!

How can you sleep at night after you’ve done something so cruel!

I bet you see his face everytime you shut your eyes, they said you stoned him in the head, kicked and punched him!

Tell us! What did he do to you?

Don’t you realize that his family put work to get him to Grade Ten, he was so close to becoming somebody and help them later…

You took from them LIFE you will never replace! no matter how much money you give or time you spend in Jail!

To the students Family, my thoughts are with you all. I am sorry for your lose. No one deserves to go through this pain and tragedy.

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