Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Think of it this way... every reaction that we have toward something or someone comes from what we perceive of ourself within our mind and soul.

Positive thoughts give rise to good actions, that bring favourable conditions that will elevate you to unimaginable heights in your relationships in life.

Any environment which you find yourself in, will always involve your interaction with other people, relating to the correct people is the key to individual success, because in our universe we deal with people.

Being around people is also something that comes from within you. The people that you are associated with what you show to the world. Your actions come from how you think and operate.

If you hate so much then expect to receive the same from all around you. Your most likely going to associate with the wrong bunch, and to the contrary if you love then expect to be loved back, from the right bunch of people.

If people like you they will work with you, if he or she loves you they will stay with you, so its important that within yourself, you must become love.

How much you give of something you will receive more of that which you give and its important to give the right sort of vibe.

When someone comes into contact with you, certain events has happened to put them directly in your path.

You could say for that instant you share a common onest with that person for them to be attracted to you.

Whether it be... sharing a beer or going to church, you have become one with that person through an aspect of our universe. "We were all made in the image of God"

But, we are also all one because we have the same feelings of love and hate.

You had predetermined the route that you had taken in that time to get you in that exact moment, were your paths collided.

Whether you meet sickness and death, or riches and wisdom its up to how you consciously organise your priorities to get you favourable priorities which are Health, Love and Wealth.

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