Monday, June 15, 2015


Papua New Guinean families being evicted from their homes by National Housing Corporation officers who find the legal means to do so?

I don’t understand how you can sleep at night after you’ve kicked out a family onto the streets!

How can you go home in the afternoon, kiss your wife and hug your children, wow… you great dad! You wonderful husband! Your Pathetic!

I feel for your children. The sins of the father will be felt by the children… for generations to come.

Hahahaha! Your bloodline is cursed!

The families you evicted. The children’s happiness you’ve disturbed, when you robbed their home. They are helpless.

But nature has its way of dealing with the cruel.

That family you evicted also consists of a wife and children just like yours, how can you just treat them like they were some things to throw out!

Its where they call home, its where there heart is… its where they created love and nestled under a roof… Don’t you understand?

Surely, you must know that what you give, you will get back, its universal and its biblical.

You will be far worse then they are, by the time they have recovered and walked again… you would be poor and homeless, your children starving and dying.

So be it… the weak shall always have a protector and a savior!

1 comment:

  1. This is ridiculous. It's very unfortunate to see how selfishness and greed can manipulate Papua New Guineans to turn against their own country men. Instead of policy makers establishing policies to protect the people's interest, they do otherwise and throw Papua New Guineans onto the streets just so they can get a raise or a bonus.
